The Mortuary Assistant Demons

The Mortuary Assistant Demons

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In the game The Mortuary Assistant, your main goal is to unravel the mystery of the fiend hiding in one of the lifeless bodies, eagerly waiting to take over your soul and break free. To prevent this ominous outcome, you must watch out for various clues during the night shift, including listening for horns, looking for ghostly symbols on the walls, and carefully examining special markings on certain bodies.

Maintain constant vigilance This is an extremely important aspect, since demons able to manifest in many ways, and you must constantly keep an eye on the signs that accumulate as you carry out your duties. One of the easiest ways to identify a possessed cadaver is continuous inspection. These corse can change position or make small movements, although this method is not entirely reliable, as the devil may deliberately change into another corpse in order to deceive you.

Finding out the name of the fiend is also an important aspect. By the time you’re done with the final cadaver, you should have all four decals representing the demon’s forename. To find these symbols, you need to follow clear directions and create the most of your knowledge. Only with unwavering attention and accurate deduction are you able to defeat the evil that lurks and protect your soul.

Gameplay. Start over and go around sharp corners

In The Mortuary Assistant, failure to exercise the devil due to mistakes, lack of time, or burning the wrong corpse will lead to a melancholic result – a bad ending. Achieving victory is much more difficult than it seems at first glance, as the complexity of the game goes beyond mere simplicity.

Whether it’s forgetting to use formalin or various corse treatments, misinterpreting an evil spirit’s name, making the wrong choice during rituals, or simply wasting precious time, every mistake traps you into the inevitable trap of obsession – a chilling fate that can await you.

With many different endings, The Mortuary Assistant gives you plenty of options and opportunities to replay and explore all the stashes you may have missed in the first place. Armed with new knowledge and increased attention to detail, you should strive to be successful in your next endeavors. We wish you good luck in your quest to defeat the darkness!

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