The Mortuary Assistant Horror

The Mortuary Assistant Horror

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In The Mortuary Assistant, an indie horror game, you embark on a terrifying journey with main character Rebecca, who has just completed pathology and receives an urgent call to work as a helper at the River Fields morgue. Despite your grandmother’s disapproval and the disturbing behavior of her boss, Raymond, who offered her an internship as a replacement, you gladly accept the position!

Undertaker’s suggestion was a mistake

Your dream job quickly turns into a nightmarish ordeal as you must not only prepare bodies for burial, but also confront vicious demons, experience horrific visions, and face the supernatural creatures that inhabit lifeless corpses, putting your safety at risk of demonic possession. It becomes apparent that this is not an ideal place to experiment, and she finds herself trapped by evil spirits from which there is no way out.

The gameplay of The Mortuary Assistant sees you navigating a funeral home with slightly clunky controls as well as a list of tasks such as preparing bodies for burial, draining cavities, and performing various chores while accessing an old office computer from time to time. check the files in the archive.

Everything becomes clear

As the game progresses, the serene atmosphere quickly turnabouts into a terrifying experiment with flickering lights, eerie whispering spirits, and disturbing visions. The once-peaceful setting turns into a sinister fantasy and you feel like you are sinking into madness, facing vicious demons and facing haunting nightmares from the past.

To keep your sanity, it is very important to listen carefully to the undertaker’s instructions and to follow his instructions exactly in the game. Although he assures you that everything is simple, your perception says otherwise, which greatly complicates and interferes with your work.

Unearthly fears

The Mortuary Assistant offers a unique and varied experience for everyone as each playthrough is unique, with random jump scares and surprises. The fear factor in the game is unpredictable, which leads to unexpected moments.

Immerse yourself in the incredibly detailed and realistic horror world of The Mortuary Assistant, where dread is not defined by excessive blood, bones, noise or screams. Instead, dead silence enters your mind, reinforcing the obsessive experience. We promise to keep you on your toes, not knowing what lies ahead, and ready to face the unknown on this chilling adventure with you!

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